Friday, September 16, 2011

My new job

I have not written for my blog for a long time, at least since I got my IELTS score in June. I should not be lazy because I still need to improve my English more and more. I started to take up a new job as a lecturer since 1st September. This is completely a new experience in my life. I need to take a Phd course in my field (chemical engineering - oil refining and petrochemical) if I want to be an official teacher of my organization. In other way to say, I am going to be a researcher in a specific field of science. 
However, it is the story of the future tense, what I would like to write now is about my wife and my baby who are my motivations in this life. At this moment, they are in my wife's hometown in Lam Thao district of Phu Tho province. They will be there until the end of the next week when I am taking them to town in Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province. It takes us about 45 minutes to go by plane. It is really fast and convenient to travel to my town with this kind of transportation, especially with the infant such as my little son. In addition to airplane, we can go there by train or by bus which usually takes us from 10 to 12 hours. 
My wife and my son have been in Phu Tho for three weeks. And I usually catch a bus on Friday evening to visit them after a working week. I feel happy and relaxed when seeing them. My boy just sleep and eat all day. He is able to do some simple actions such as pushing his legs and moving his hands.

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