Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Horse racing idiom

In this episode, The Teacher introduces you to three idiomatic phrases connected with horse
1. It’s neck and neck.
2. On the home straight or stretch.
3. Down to the wire

The script

Yah! Yah! Come on Bessie!...
Hello, I’m a very interesting and intelligent man…. Yah!
And today, I’m getting together with the sport of horse racing to teach you some idioms in English….Yah! Alright girl, come on. Come on Bessie! Yah! Yah!
I bet you’ve never been taught by the sport of horse racing before! ...Yah! Come on girl!
As you can see, it’s a very, very, very, very, very, very, very close race. Yes, it’s neck and neck.
In English, if two people in a competition are level and have the same chance of winning, we say ‘it’s neck and neck’.
It’s neck and neck.
Come on Bessie! Yah! Yah!
I’m so tired…..I hope we can make it to the end. Ah, fantastic, I can see the end of the race. Yes, we’re on the home stretch.
In English, when you’re coming to the end of a long task, we can say ‘we’re on the home straight or the home stretch’.
On the home straight or the home stretch.
Like this lesson. I’ve only got one more idiom to teach, so we really are on the home straight. Yah! Come on Bessie! Yah! Yah! Come on girl!
It’s so close! Who’s going to win?
It’s going to go down to the wire.
In English, if we are unsure of the result of something until the very last moment, we say ‘it’ll go down to the wire.’
Down to the wire.
Yah! Come on Bessie! Yah! Yah! Yeeeesss!
Judge: Competitor number 420, The Teacher, is disqualified for riding a fake horse.
The Teacher: That is absolutely ridiculous! I can’t believe they would say that about you! Did you hear that, Bessie?!
I am absolutely disgusted! I am so angry I’ve never been so appalled in all my life. I’ve a good mind to teach you a lesson
My self-talk: being uploaded soon...

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