Saturday, May 21, 2011

My IELTS speaking at IDP on 21 May 2011

I have just finished my speaking test. I met a fat men who talked English quite fast, at least compared to my teacher, Tom.
These are my questions:
Part 1:
What is your full name?
Are you working or are you a student?
Let's talk about swimming. Is swimming popular in your country?
Can you swim?
Do you like to swim in a pool or in the sea?
Do you think it is important for children to know swimming?

Part 2: tell a song that reminds a particular time in your life:
What is the song?
Who sang the song?
When you heard that song the first time?
Explain why that song reminds you a particular time.

Part 3:
Is there any special ocasion in your country the people sang together?
What kind of song suitable for children?
Is it important to repeat the the rythm in a song for children?
Do the aldults and the teenagers like the same song?

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