Thursday, May 19, 2011

My IELST test at IDP on 19 May 2011

I finished three parts of IELTS one hour ago. My speaking section will be tested on 21 May 2011.

Followings are my tests:

1. Listening:
Section 1: A police asked a girl some information after her flat was robbed.
Section 2: a guide talked about the locations in park that the touritsts would visit in the schedule.
Section 3: two student discussed how to prepare their presentation about the engine design.
Section 4: a lecture about psychology of children.

2. Reading
Section 1: burrying greenhouse gases (sequestration).
Section 2: one story about Smoke Carbolic Company and Mrs. Louisa Carllil.
Section 2: synesthesia

3. Writing

Task 1: The bar chart shows the number of overseas applicants to a particular university  in the UK in five-year period (from 2004 to 2008) of the areas: Middle East, Far East, European Union and South Africa.

Task 2: The government should control the violence in films and on TV in order to decrease the violent crime. To what exten do you agree or disagree?

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