Friday, May 27, 2011

Essay topic - Work and jobs

1. The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one. The new fashion will be to have several careers or ways of learning money and further education will be something that continues throughout life. In what extent do you agree or disagree? (Cambridge IELTS 1)
2. In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibilities. Discuss. (Cambridge IELTS 3)
3. It has been claimed that workers over 50 are not responsive to rapidly changing ideas in the modern workplace and that for this reason younger workers are to be preferred. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (IELTS Practice tests with answers)
4. In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Meanwhile, we see some politicians enjoying power well into their eighties. Clearly, there is little agreement on an appropriate retirement age. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? (Model tests for the IELTS)
5. People today move to new cities or new countries more than ever before and experience many challenges. What strategies are there to meet these challenges? (Ielts on Track)
6. Some people argue that the government should give every unemployed person a mobile phone and should make sure they have access to the Internet. They believe this is the best way of using public money to reduce the problem of unemployment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Focus on Ielts)
7. As there is increasing unemployment in the world, while at the same time those who have jobs are working harder and harder, it would be better to have a four-day working week for everyone, and so to create more jobs. In what extent do you agree or disagree? (Essay Writing)
8. Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. Discuss. (China writing)
9. Some employers reward members of staff for their exceptional contribution to the company by giving them extra money. This practice can act as an incentive for some but may also have a negative impact on others. To what extent is this style of management effective? Are there better ways of encouraging employees to work hard?(Ielts practice plus)

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