Monday, May 23, 2011

The importance of taking physical exercises

We had dinner at a restaurant which is located on Thai Ha street. My younger sister decided to invite us to eat there. There are some kinds of food that are cooked in the traditional way of the local people in the south of Vietnam. They are called "Banh xeo" and "Banh my Quang". She has just finished her study at the univerisy yesterday with the final mark which was 9,75. She will have about one-month relaxing period until getting a new job.

In my point of view, a balanced diet and physical exercises are very necessary for us to have a healthy life. Nowadays, there is a growing number of public who have been suffered from some serious diseases such as: diabete, obesity...All of them have been original from lacking of outdoor activities and a poor diet.

If we do not practice exercises regularly, we will not have enough strength to perform any job. Taking sport activities routinely is an effective method to keep your health and to make our life more interesting. Also, we can completely let our hair down after stressed working hours. I strongly believe that taking exercises will significantly improve our health and bring invisible spirit value.

Additionally, the diet has a big influence on our life. A bad habit of eating will cause the serious consequences which we cannot see in the short-term. Some diseases are related directly to the content of a diet. For example, if the food we consume everyday has so much sugar, it will lead to a common ailment, obesity. Or a person usually absorbs the cholestrol that exceeds the allowable quantity, he or she will easily suffered the cardiovascular-related diseases.

To sum up, we should search on the Internet and looking for information about nutrient food in order to know how to eat appropriately.

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