Sunday, May 22, 2011

My IELST exam on 19th May 2011

Today, I took the real IELTS exam for the first time. I was a little nervous, but everything was fine when entering the test room. There were nearly 100 test-takers, I guessed so.

The first section was listening. Although I knew this is the most challenged part for me, I made some mistakes in some first answers. Then I concentrated and tried hard to do my test. I answered all of the questions in this part, though I did not hear correctly some content. Then I did the reading and writing section quite easily. Essay topic was about the control of violence on TV and films, an argument essay. I finished these sections ahead of my time and checked all my choices in the answer sheets.

To sum up, I feel satisfied for my test and hope to get a good final result on 1st June. At least, I think it will be better than 5.0, my result at the MOCK TEST with REA center.

I will be tested the speaking section on 21st May and will try my best.

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